Header File: List.h |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ListH #define ListH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int MaxItems = 100; typedef double ItemType; class FList { public: FList(); virtual ~FList(); int Count() const; bool Add(const ItemType NewItem); ItemType Retrieve(const int Pos); bool Delete(const int Pos); private: int Counter; ItemType Item[MaxItems]; const Index(const int Pos) const; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif |
Source File: List.cpp |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #include "List.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) FList::FList() : Counter(0) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FList::~FList() { }//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FList::Count() const { return Counter; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const FList::Index(const int Pos) const { return Pos-1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FList::Add(const ItemType NewItem) { if( (Counter < 0) || (Counter > MaxItems) ) return false; else { Item[Counter] = NewItem; Counter++; return true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ItemType FList::Retrieve(const int Pos) { if( (Pos < 0) || (Pos > Counter) ) return 0; else return Item[Pos]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FList::Delete(const int Pos) { if( (Pos < 0) || (Pos > Counter) ) return false; else { for(int i = Pos+1; i <= Counter; i++) Item[Index(i-1)] = Item[Index(i)]; Counter--; return true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Source File: Main.cpp |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <iostream> #include <conio> using namespace std; #pragma hdrstop #include "List.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma argsused int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FList List; List.Add(1240.42); List.Add(283.15); List.Add(42.48); List.Add(582.12); List.Add(60.14); List.Add(8022.28); cout << "List of items"; for(int i = 0; i < List.Count(); i++) cout << "\nItem No." << i + 1 << ": " << List.Retrieve(i); cout << "\nNumber of items: " << List.Count() << " items\n\n"; List.Delete(5); List.Delete(2); cout << "List of items"; for(int i = 0; i < List.Count(); i++) cout << "\nItem No." << i + 1 << ": " << List.Retrieve(i); cout << "\nNumber of items: " << List.Count() << " items\n\n"; cout << "Press any key to continue..."; getch(); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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